Peacock Powder

Peacock Powder Buyer's Guide
Not sure how much powder to buy? Check out this how-to page with information about all of our powder size quantities and their best uses! 100 G Packets 100...
Peacock Powder Buyer's Guide
Not sure how much powder to buy? Check out this how-to page with information about all of our powder size quantities and their best uses! 100 G Packets 100...

10 Things To Know Before Attending Your First C...
Attending your first color fun run? Read through these tips to make sure you have the best experience yet! 1. Wear A White Shirt And Any Neon You Have Wearing...
10 Things To Know Before Attending Your First C...
Attending your first color fun run? Read through these tips to make sure you have the best experience yet! 1. Wear A White Shirt And Any Neon You Have Wearing...

How to Put on a Color Powder Fun Run
Interested in hosting your own color powder run, but not sure how? Check out this page for ideas, tips, and tricks to make sure you throw the best color powder run...
How to Put on a Color Powder Fun Run
Interested in hosting your own color powder run, but not sure how? Check out this page for ideas, tips, and tricks to make sure you throw the best color powder run...

Where to Buy Ooblek
How do you make ooblek? Instructions: Supplies Needed 1. Drop cloth to cover mixing area 2. Large mixing bowl 3. Mixing spoon 4. Liquid measuring cup5. Peacock Powder 6. Water...
Where to Buy Ooblek
How do you make ooblek? Instructions: Supplies Needed 1. Drop cloth to cover mixing area 2. Large mixing bowl 3. Mixing spoon 4. Liquid measuring cup5. Peacock Powder 6. Water...
Premium Holi Color Powder 5 lb Bag
5 lb bags of our Premium Holi Color Powder are the perfect size for any gender reveal party you could be planning, fun run, or just a birthday party! It...
Premium Holi Color Powder 5 lb Bag
5 lb bags of our Premium Holi Color Powder are the perfect size for any gender reveal party you could be planning, fun run, or just a birthday party! It...

Gender Reveal Burnout Pack - Colored Smoke Tires
Our gender reveal burnout pack is the perfect way for any car enthusiast to do a peel out gender reveal! One of our best gender reveal ideas is combining our...
Gender Reveal Burnout Pack - Colored Smoke Tires
Our gender reveal burnout pack is the perfect way for any car enthusiast to do a peel out gender reveal! One of our best gender reveal ideas is combining our...